The mission of Mid-Valley Christian School is one of preparing children to live a productive life for the Lord Jesus Christ. The focus of the curricular and instructional systems will be one of helping each child to grow, both spiritually and academically, at whatever level of spiritual and academic achievement he has reached. Attention will be given the following three areas:
Edification: Mid-Valley Christian School is dedicated to the edification of children in accordance with Ephesians 4:12 ―For the perfecting (equipping) of the saints for the work of the ministry. . . ―Therefore, attention will be given to spiritual growth and development, equipping children to live a life of obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Education: Mid-Valley Christian School is dedicated to the education of children in accordance with the broad areas of development stated in Luke 2:52 ―And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.‖ Therefore, attention will also be given to the mental, physical, and social growth of children.
Evangelization: Mid-Valley Christian School is dedicated to the evangelization of those children who may not be saved. This is especially true within the elementary school which will include a number of children who have not yet received the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior.